Monday, March 30, 2020

We Learn and We Evolve

We Learn and We Evolve 

When the world sulked into anxiety, apprehension, and anger during the month of March 2020, due to a lock down on account of corona virus pandemic, the BNMITians chose not to lament: they rose up to the occasion. The Institution pensively focused on innovative ways to salvage the young and jubilant minds from a whirlpool of negativity and idleness. To provide education and help them delve into creativity was the prime focus of the well-wishers.

The swift and decisive action of the management nudged the most required change. The wonderfully spirited professors sprang into action and extended their unflinching support grabbing the opportunity in adversity. The collaboration of minds streamlined the course capsule for online interactive sessions. Within a short time span, the professors and the students zoomed into the digital world. The excitement of the new experience buzzed among the staff and students.  It was particularly exciting to meet on a buzzing platform. The pain and trepidation of the grim situation remained unheeded and gradually faded away. 

The BNMITians have proved to our community and to the world that they remain undaunted by setbacks and are infinitely driven to ensure a bright future for aspiring engineers. The moments may be dreadful, but the clarity of vision reigns from altering our attitude. It is our choice to either linger on the moments of sadness or to extend timely help and be remembered when the history of our nation is read out aloud. 

The BNM Family has become a better version of them and believes that without any resistance -
We Learn and We Evolve!

Ms Shashi Prabha
Assistant Professor
BNM Institute of Technology

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you Prof ShashiPrabha madam for sharing your views. Yes, we believe in "Learning never stops'.
