Friday, June 3, 2022

Beyond the good deeds! From the pages of my memory


The countdown had started! In another few hours, we would leave; leave the Land of opportunities, the Land of the free, the Land of the bold, and interestingly the most popular country on this earth. It was a big move after a decade long stay in America. It was indeed a pronounced feeling of being on the crossroad, not sure which path to choose. This was a significant moment in our life, as hours, days and months had been spent on mulling talks, evaluating our decisions and researching on the influence of the change on our future endeavors. Finally, the love for our family, our people, and all that appeals to our five senses, which could be called as „our own‟, overpowered us. We smiled away at the comments that defined our move as „leaving behind the luxuries and embracing the struggles‟.

The rumbling thoughts became uncontrollable as I sank into my chair while the empty house glared at me. How would I forget the place that harbored my dreams, a place where I began my family life, a place that imparted ingenuity, a place that never asked about race, caste or creed? I emotionally ruffled the pages of my diary to ink my thoughts; what would I miss the most and what would be that significant ideology that I could carry forward to my own country? I asked myself.

Yes indeed, I would miss my Bangladeshi friends who cooked exotic fish; I would miss my American friend who addressed me „Ms Saaashi‟; I would miss my Chinese friend who loved my cardamom tea; and off course my Indian friend who grew gongura herbs in her backyard. I would never forget the Seventeen-Mile drive, the Super bowl Sunday, the six flags, the mesmerizing Grand Canyon and the monumental bridge of San Francisco. But at this point, my pen stopped wielding as I spoke aloud to my-self, “These memories would gradually fade with the passage of time.”

My eyes then fell on the blue, fluffy teddy bear peeping out of the carry bag. It took me into a flash back of all the voluntary activities that I had engaged myself with during my stay. I usually extended help to my son‟s teachers though I was teaching in a community center. Filed trips are very special to children in schools because it contributes towards a joyful and enormous learning. My visit to the Teddy Bear factory as a volunteer with my son‟s class was an enriching experience. The process of making the teddy bear was a revelation. It revealed to the children that the huggable teddy being made for the little ones was not just a lifeless object. It was being created with a touch of emotion. A little spongy red colored heart was placed inside each teddy bear before it was stitched completely. This spoke volumes about the ethics of business and the message enveloped with it. This infused the thought within the children that it was important to be gentle with their toys.

Another memorable volunteering opportunity that I got was when parents were invited to make presentations for children. My presentation on Indian Solar Cooker created interest and curiosity. The model was displayed for days in the school and experimented in the sun. What touched me most was the pampering given to the volunteers. Though volunteers work without any expectations or returns, the kind of treatment given to them transforms them. Each one was made to feel valued and the contribution was considered priceless. It was an

honorable moment. The thought of being useful to the community replenishes the soul. My pen generously etched these words.

On my return to India, I did have many setbacks. However, unlike my friends who packed their bags, headed back to US and chose not to return, I decided to address the concerns of the community. I extend my support in forming an association and serving the community, which I continue to do.This has been a gratifying journey.

Volunteering activity is a hallmark of civic life that can take one beyond the good. The benefits of volunteering are directly related to one‟s wellbeing and self-esteem True essence of living lies in contributing towards the construction of the world that you live in. Volunteering creates an aura of positivity. It gives the opportunity to connect with others, share values, and concerns. Dedicating time, energy and resources to uplift the society will make one a valued and trusted citizen. It undoubtedly displays one‟s broad and selfless thinking.

It‟s now time to pause. You may think about it for a moment: would you prefer to spend your Saturday afternoon sitting passively on the couch in front of the TV or rather go out and make a difference by helping the local schoolchildren plant vegetable saplings? Their smiles would be your reward!

Always remember these golden words as you begin your journey as a volunteer:

‘You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give’ –Winston Churchill.

Mrs Shashi Prabha Nagendra

Assistant Professor

BNM Institute of Technology

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